Скрипт выключения при перегреве
# vi /usr/bin/tempcheck
# This script reads the value of the SoC Broadcom temperature and turns off
# Exceeds a certain value.
# 80 ° C is the maximum allowed for a Raspberry Pi.
if [ -e ${LOCK} ]; then
echo -e "SoC temperature check failure. Another process is in execution:\n\n"
exit 1
# Creating LOCK
touch ${LOCK}
# Transforms the value read in integer
SENSOR="$(vcgencmd measure_temp | cut -d "=" -f2 | cut -d "'" -f1 | cut -d '.' -f1)"
TEMP="$(printf "%.0f\n" ${SENSOR})"
# Sets supported maximum temperature
if [ "${TEMP}" -gt "${MAX}" ] ; then
# Will be sent an email to the root if executed via cron
echo "${TEMP}єC is too hot!"
# Logs an event in the system log
/usr/bin/logger "Shutting down due to SoC temp ${TEMP}."
# Halt hardware
rm ${LOCK}
/sbin/shutdown -h now
# Remove lock
rm ${LOCK}
exit 0
Give execute permission:
# chmod +x /usr/bin/tempcheck
Set the Crontab to run the script every 5 minutes:
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/tempcheck